Aufgenommene Momente
Aufgenommene Momente is Maja Lossau's photography business, specialized in various photography genres including weddings, business photography, family, and couple photos.
With several years of experience in the field, Maja found that her previous brand design no longer aligned with her vision. That's why we decided to revamp her brand with a new strategy and brand design that not only reflects her personality but also fits her business name “Aufgenommene Momente”, which means “captured moments”.
During this rebranding process, I rethought the entire name and came up with a brand identity that captures the heart of a moment. We also created the tagline '90 Sekunden Ewigkeit' (90 seconds eternity). Fun fact: did you know that a moment lasts exactly 90 seconds? Yeah, me neither.
Client: Aufgenommene Momente